I am currently a Master student in Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Robotic Perception and Intelligence under the direction of Prof. Max Q.-H. Meng at Southern University of Science and Technology since 2021.09. My research focuses on Robotic Manipulation, Object Reorientation, Deep Learning and Computer Vision. Currently, I am working on Robotic Manipulation vis Learning Regrasping. My ultimate goal is to build a General Manipulation Model in the unstructured environment without object CAD models.

  • 2023.7: ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ Webpage released โ€“>

๐Ÿ“ Projects


Extrinsic Manipulation on a Support Plane by Learning Regrasping

Peng Xu, Zhiyuan Chen, Jiankun Wang and Max Q.-H. Meng

Under Review.
[project] [paper] [dataset]

๐Ÿ“š Publications

$\dagger$ indicates equal contribution, and $*$ indicates corresponding authorship.


  1. Extrinsic Manipulation on a Support Plane by Learning Regrasping
    Peng Xu$^\dagger$, Zhiyuan Chen$^\dagger$, Jiankun Wang and Max Q.-H. Meng$^*$.
    Under Review.
    [project] [paper] [dataset]

๐Ÿ’ป CV
